Statement on the Сurrent Situation

The current situation in the Ukraine is a tragedy for both nations, as an organization we cannot support such acts of aggression. They are wholly against our values and culture. 

Aircraft Industries is a factory with over 80 years of aircraft manufacturing tradition. During that time our company has changed hands several times. Currently, we are a Russian owned organization (other than the media reports) and this fact is likely to change a lot for us as a company, but we ourselves do not know what the consequences will be, and therefore we cannot yet answer the questions that are being asked to us.

We are and always have been a multicultural organization, with almost a thousand employees, made up of individuals from not only the Czech Republic, but Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. We cooperate and work in partnership, we are colleagues, we are friends and we express no support for the invasion in the Ukraine.

Our priority is to preserve the production of the L 410 and our continue adding to our heritage, as well as the preservation of the jobs of almost a thousand employees, we will also work to minimise the impact on other Czech companies and their employees with whom we work with in production.

We are proud to be able to produce the L 410 civil aircraft, which was actively used during the pandemic in the Czech Republic, French Guiana, Colombia, Nepal, Slovenia, Mauritius and many other places around the world. L 410 also served, in providing humanitarian assistance in Africa and has provided transportation for many in hard-to-reach areas around the world.

The last two years world-wide affected by COVID-19 pandemic have been very difficult for us, aircraft manufacturers, and have had a huge impact on the demand for new aircraft. We are in an intensive search for new customers in the Western and Asian markets, which is a long-term business process and largely depends on the trust in the product, the base of the Czech factory and the skills of technical specialists and experts from all over the Czech Republic.

This statement was issued to assure the public that we stand on the side of democracy and peace, regardless of the nationality of the owner.

Aircraft Industries Management