"Women in Aviation" met at Aircraft Industries

The Women in Aviation Club is a voluntary association of women who share a passion for aviation. This club was founded by representatives of Letiště Praha, Řízení letového provozu and the Czech Aviation Training Centre. Today, it brings together female members from various companies in the field, including ČSA, Smartwings, Honeywell and also our colleagues from Aircraft Industries.

"Women in Aviation" regularly organize interesting events that allow them to look behind the scenes of the aviation industry. These events include inspections of airports, air traffic control, aircraft production or crew training. The aim is not only to exchange experiences, but also to support women in the study of technical fields related to aviation in the future.

The last "Women in Aviation" meeting took place on June 25 at the premises of the Aircraft Industries company in Kunovice. During this event, the women had the opportunity to see the production of the legendary L 410 aircraft during an excursion, enjoy sightseeing flights over the picturesque landscape of Slovácko and visit the Aviation Museum in Kunovice.

The meeting of enthusiastic women in the heart of Slovácko was a great success. In addition to the behind-the-scenes of the aviation industry, we also got a glimpse into the secrets of culture in Slovakia. We are already looking forward to more similar opportunities!